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What is Digital Computer | What is Analog Computer | Type of Digital Computer| What is Computer|

 What is Analog Computer

Analog Computer handle or Process Information which is of a

Physical nature, as for example Temperature, Pressure Etc. 

What is Digital Computer

Digital Computer perform  processing information which is 
Essentally in a two state from  binary namely zero and one. 
When talking about computer, We mostly refer to the digital type of electronic machine 
These are based on the measuring of analog or Equivalant physical value.
A digital computer consists of many electronic components including ,resistors,
capacitors, Transistos and wires. These components communicate with each other 
through electrical signals.

Type of digital computer-:

  • Mini Computer
  • Micro Computer
  • Mainframe Compute
  • Super Computer

1) Mini Computer

Mini computers are medium sized computers.
Also Called the Minis. Computing power lies between
microcomputer and mainframe computer.
minicomputer bigger size than PCs.
Minicomputer expensive than PCs.
More computing power than PCs
Used by medium sized business organizations, 
colleges, libraries and banks Etc.

Uses of mini computer

  • Control of Automated Teller Machine 
  • ATMs
  •  Payroll.
  •  Hospital patients registration.
  •  Inventory Control for supermarket.
  •  Insurance claims processing.
  •  Small bank accounting and customer 
  • details tracking.


  •  Cater to multiple users
  •  Lower costs than mainframes


  •  Large
  •  Bulky

2) Micro Computer

Micro Computer designed for personal use.

Micro Computers are of small size and you

can buy in low cost.

Low computing  power, Commonly used for

personal applications.

and Processing Speed is slow.

Uses of Micro Computer

  • Word Processing
  • Home entertainment
  • Home banking Printing
  • Surfing the internet
  • Etc.

3) Main Frame Computer

Mainframe is large, fast and expensive computer.
We Known as enterprise servers. Cost millions of dollar.
bigger in size than Minicomputer. Used for centralized 
computing. Serve distributed users and small servers 
in a computing network.


  • More computing power than minicomputers
  • Have to be kept in a special air-conditioned room
  • Support a few hundred users simultaneously (Multi-Users)
  • Difficult to use
  • Used in big business organizations and government 
  • departments

Areas where mainframes are used

  • Big universities with thousands of enrollment.
  • Natural gas and oil exploration companies.
  • Space Vehicle control.
  • Airline reservation.
  • Big banks with hundreds of branches located all over 
  • the world.
  • Some mainframes are designed to be extremely fast 
  • and called super computers. It is used for space 
  • launching, monitoring and controlling.

4) Super Computer

  • Fastest and expensive.
  • Used by applications for 
  • molecular chemistry, nuclear 
  • research, weather reports, 
  • and advanced physics.
  • Consists of several computers 
  • that work in parallel as a 
  • single system


  • High Speed


Generate a large
amount of heat 
during operation

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