Central Processing Unit (CPU) is one of the most important part of any computer.
Also Called central Processor or Main Prosessor.
CPU is the brain Of any Computer. Is the most Important processor in a given computer.
In a Human Body all Major decisions are taken by the brain and other part of the body function as directed by
the brain Similary in a computer system all major calculation Mainpulation Maltiplication and comparisons
are made by cpu. Its electronic circuitry Excute Intruction of a computer programm.
The cpu is also responsible by all over units of the computer system
All Calculation Including comparisons are Made by the ALU.
ALU is a main component of the central processing unit, which
stands for arithmetic logic unit and performs arithmetic and logic operations.
The data and insturction, stored in the primary memory prior to processing, are
trnsferred to ALU where processing Takes Piaces
-Arithmatic operation including Addition, Subtractions, Multiplications, and Division
-Logical operation invoice comparisons.
Contorl Unit is the "Boss" and coordinates all of the cpu's activities.
Uses programming instructions, it Control the flow of Information through the processor
by controlling what happens inside the prosessor.We communicate with the computer through
programming languages.
Example-:COBOL, C++, HTML, JavaScript, or Visual Basic or Visual Basic.net